Alison Carroll

I was born in 1959 and raised on the country of the Wallemedegal people of the Darug nation on the banks of the Parramatta River. In my time, my childhood it was the beginning of the urban sprawl of Sydney’s western suburbs. I am the descendent of convicts. I am a Celt. I am a daughter, mother, grandmother, sister and friend.

I am a bodyworker, psychotherapist, healer and teacher with forty years’ clinical experience. As well as numerous bodywork qualifications I hold a Diploma of Herbal Medicine (Dorothy Hall), Diploma of Psychotherapy and Relationship Counselling (JNI) and a Masters of Analytical (Jungian) Psychology (UWS).

I was a senior lecturer at Nature Care college for 20 years where I variously taught massage, craniosacral therapy, somatic psychology, intuitive bodywork and counselling and communication skills. As well as my clinical practice I facilitate workshops, healing circles and medicine camps for women and post-graduate trainings for healers and therapists.

Since 2010 I have been a student of the medicine ways of the Kofan people of the Putamayo region in southern Colombia. I travel regularly to Colombia to continue this instruction and work with the supervision and blessings of my Elders.

My husband and I live and work on 100 gorgeous acres of bushland in the lower Hunter Valley in NSW. The country of the Darkinjung people in the shadow of the sacred Mt Yengo and now home to the Temenos Labyrinth, this beautiful property is a perfect space for my gatherings, workshops and trainings.

I believe that life has a great depth and much beauty. I see us as part of a divine interconnected universe, brothers and sisters to all in the natural world. My work is dedicated to bringing wholeness, wisdom and ease to my clients and students and to share what I have learned with others.

My work is joyful, deep and grounded. It continues to unfold and develop and after forty years my passion for learning, teaching and facilitating change remains undiminished.